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  • Writer's pictureNate Baim, MBA, CFP®

Finish This Year Strong

Enjoy this week's edition of the Planner's Beta

Beta (n) - climber's jargon that designates information about a climb This digest's purpose is to share observations, ideas, and treasures found this week which you may also find insightful. Sharing does not mean it's an endorsement. I am endorsing the pursuit of knowledge and exploration.

I hope you and your family had a relaxing Thanksgiving! Becky and I maintained a relatively low key Thanksgiving. We made it out to the Sister's area in Central Oregon for some snowshoeing. I took this photo of Broken Top from the slopes of Mt. Bachelor near sunset. It was a great Thanksgiving weekend!

Monthly Financial Planning Item

This checklist covers several planning issues that you should consider before updating your estate plan.

All too often, I see folks with no estate plan. Estate planning is the process of determining how your wealth will pass on to your heirs. Even those who are young need to create an estate plan. This vital task often gets pushed off. Doing so can result in stress and pain for your heirs in the unfortunate event you pass away. Whether you are single or have a young and growing family, I encourage you to review this guide. Use this guide to identify areas you need to address so that your estate's transfer is as smooth as possible. This checklist covers 18 of the most critical planning issues to identify and consider before updating your estate plan. The checklist includes:

  • Beneficiary & Fiduciary Issues

  • Assets & Property Related Issues

  • Minors & Children Related Issues

  • And More

Take the time to consider the items on this list to uncover any items needed to be included in your estate plan. Having a systematic process helps you better identify planning elements that could benefit you and your heirs this year and beyond. If needed, feel free to place time on my calendar.

Quote of the Week

"Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much; wisdom is humble that he knows no more." - William Cowper


Have something on your mind? Schedule a free call with Nate.


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